Thursday, January 27, 2011


Wow aren't genetics great. Well not all that great, but its crazy how they work. Its amazing how once a baby is being made they first start off with a bunch of little cells and then soon form a lot of cells. We just got done doing a baby lab. Where me and my spouse Vanessa flipped a coin and decided what we were having. We had a boy and we named it Michael.

My understaning Genetics is that our parents gave us some of there genes to us. The reason why we one of our parents features and maybe not a lot of the other is because one parent might be more dominant then the other which makes us have more of one parents genes.

At first parents have a 50% 50% chance of having a boy or a girl. A boy triats are XY and a girl traits are XX. If the male takes over an X trait its a girl just because the mother can only take over an X there for you have a girl with a XX trait. If the male takes over a Y trait then you have a boy because the mother again can only take over a X trait. So XY together you have a boy.

Is it possible for your baby to have something that you don't have? The answer is yes. This can happen by Recessive. Recessive means that the trait is hidden in the mother or fathers genes and you'll end up getting it. For example me I have a mole and so does my grandma if you can see it mine on the left side and hers is on the right as for my parents do not have it.

So thats my understanding of genetics as we start to grow.

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