Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eugenics Project

      We have been studying Eugenics movement. i was suppose to find out what Eugenics means and other questions, but'll I'll answer one question at a time.
      Eugenics means human population or the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or human population. So basicly just means us people. People studying us and our genetics that we have inside us that makes us who we are that has been passed down from our parents grandparents and so on.
     What this is trying to say is who are the people that should have kids. Who have the right geneties to make the perfect kids. Well no one really knows. Who are we to decide on who can have kids and who can't have them. When kids are born to parents that have a not so good back ground. Its up to the kids on how they want their life to be. They don't have to follow in their parents footsteps.
    My next question was what were the social origins of Eugenics. I don't really know what the social origins are but this what I found out. It started war. Basicly they talked about what they did and how they did it. They thought that eugenics was the only way to solve problems that they had through out the years. Also immagration was one of there problems. They had a bad situation when people started immagrating from southern and eastern europe.
Next is what were the scientific origins of Eugenics. The answer I put was how they did their research. What they used for there studies. Just like us we used a pedigrees. They also did some types of background on a person as well.
Some of there research methods are family trees and pedigrees. They used this to recognized basic pattern of inheritance. There flaws were Difficulty of defining traits, Reification, poor survey and statistical Methods, False quantification, social and environmental influences.
Eugenics research impacted American society by were are able to find out who are the right people to have kids by using a Pedigree. We did it in class experiments on what things are passed down to us. Its crazy on how they lived there life.

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