Friday, January 14, 2011

Click and Clone Lab

Purpose / Hypothesis: Our purpose is to see if the clone will come out exactly the same.
  The mouse that we clone will be brown.


Mimi- Mouse we will clone (Brown)
Megdo- Egg cell donor (Black)
Momi- Surrgate mother to grow Mimi clone (White)
Petri Dishes
Sharp Pipette
Blunt Pipette
Chemical to Stimulate cell division


  1. Isolate donors cells from mimi and megdo
  2. Remove and discard the nucleus from the egg cell
  3. Transfer the somatic cell nucleus into the enucleated egg cell
  4. Stimulate cell division
  5. Implant the embryo into Momi the surrogate mother
  6. Deliver the baby mouse clone of Mimi


By using the egg cell and the Somatic cells I was able to clone Mimi. First I had to suck the nucleus form the egg cell which made it an enucleated egg cell. Then put it in a dish. Then I had to move the somatic cell with the enucleated egg. Under the microscope I had to suck the Nucleus form the Somatic cell and inject in into the enucleated egg cell. In order for the DNA to re-programmed it takes several hours. Then I had to put a drop of a liquid chemical that mimics the cellular events. Then we have to wait several hours for the cell to divide a few times. After all thats done we have to insert the embryo into the womb of Momi. After 19 days we are ready to deliver to baby mouse.


In conclusion the mouse came out exactly the same as Mimi. In my hypothesis I stated the the mouse we clone will be brown. I was right. All the genetics came from the somatic nucleus donor.


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