Monday, December 13, 2010

Enzyme Lab

For this lab we used Ph. What we had to do was use different Ph in a tube of Peroxide and water. We had to watch it and see how it changes has we recorded data on it. As you can see our graph is in a shape of a V. So its telling us that it decreases then after a while it increases and at the highest Ph it has a bigger slope.

In this lab we used different types of temperature. We used hot, cold, normal, and warm temperature. In each test tube we put water and peroxide. The Hot one we boiled it for about ten minutes. For the cold one we froze it in a cold cooler for ten mins. For the warm one we put it in some warm water for ten mins as well. As for the normal one we just left it in the classroom since that was already at normal temperature. As you can see each one had a different slope. Each temperature had something different. The hot one had the highest slope as for the warm one had the lowest slope.

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