Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Acid In Your Stomach

We recently did a lab involving acids in your stomach. We used different types of antacids. The generic brands and the named brands as well as ph paper. Our hypothesis was does named brands work better then generic brands. We found this out to be true. 

What is Ph paper? Well Ph paper is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution numerically equal to 7 for neutral solution increasing and increasing alkalinity and decreasing and increasing acidity. The ph scale commonly ranges from 0 -14. Ph is short for Potential for Hydrogen ion concentration. The antacids that we used were Tums, Rolaids and a liquid antacid. 

Antacids are medications that work by increasing the Ph balance in your stomach. Antacids relieve the symptoms occasional heartburn and indigestion.. Antacids make you feel better by increasing the ph balance in your stomach. A ph of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. normally the acid level is 2 or 3. Your stomach may start feeling worse when it drops below those levels. All an antacid has to do to make you feel better is bring you up to a 3 or 4.

 Here is our project about our information about antacids.

The slide show will tell you all about our finding about using antacids when you have problems with your stomach.

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