Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Acid In Your Stomach

We recently did a lab involving acids in your stomach. We used different types of antacids. The generic brands and the named brands as well as ph paper. Our hypothesis was does named brands work better then generic brands. We found this out to be true. 

What is Ph paper? Well Ph paper is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution numerically equal to 7 for neutral solution increasing and increasing alkalinity and decreasing and increasing acidity. The ph scale commonly ranges from 0 -14. Ph is short for Potential for Hydrogen ion concentration. The antacids that we used were Tums, Rolaids and a liquid antacid. 

Antacids are medications that work by increasing the Ph balance in your stomach. Antacids relieve the symptoms occasional heartburn and indigestion.. Antacids make you feel better by increasing the ph balance in your stomach. A ph of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. normally the acid level is 2 or 3. Your stomach may start feeling worse when it drops below those levels. All an antacid has to do to make you feel better is bring you up to a 3 or 4.

 Here is our project about our information about antacids.

The slide show will tell you all about our finding about using antacids when you have problems with your stomach.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Water Experience

A few days ago we did a lab involving water. We had to do three experiments. The first one was called Pennies. What we had to do was me and my partner had to count how many drops of water can fit on a penny. We had to use water first to see how many drops and then alcohol. Me and my partner each were in the 50s, but with the alcohol it was different it dropped in the 20s. In our next experiment we used wax paper and drops of water. Our task was we had to put a drop of water on the wax paper and try and cut the drop with a tooth pick. What happened to the drop was the drop stood a circle. The drop moves with the toothpick as it goes right threw it. our last experiment is called stringing you along. We used 2 beakers one empty and one filled with water and 1 piece of string. Me and my partner held one end of the string. The challenge was to pour water into the string and have water run down the string and collect water into the empty beaker. The solution to the challenge is the longer the string is and angle it will work. The water sticks to the string and flows down it.

pennies.jpg                                rubberbands.img_assist_custom.JPG.jpg


Monday, September 13, 2010

Dead Simple

‘Dead Simple’ Way to see atomic structure

             The professor and students at Caltech used a technique to visualize the structure of molecules. They wanted to see how water coats surfaces at room temperature. They discovered that it turns into islands of ice. The impact that it has on society is that even at room temperature layers of water will form ice like microscopic island. They recognize the significance of the water molecules and how they got them to stop moving just enough time for them to study them. They have found or discovered some unexpected things that they didn’t think they would see.  It sounds like to me the more pieces you have the bigger picture you’ll be able to see.
         The technique that they call it is dead simple. The method is sort of like how people sputter carbon or gold onto biological cells so they can image them. The carbon or gold fixes the cells. Here, the graphene perfectly templates the weakly adsorbed water molecules on the surface and holds them in place, for up to a couple of months at least.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Being in biology is really different then any of my other class. Recently what we have been doing in here is  we had to choose a disease that we wanted to learn more about. I chose Parkinson's disease. This disease was very interesting disease. It is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills, speech, and other functions.Theres not very Many people i see have this disease. Since I've been in here almost everything is done online or on the computer. We also learned study double bling trial. Honestly I still don't know what the means I've read about it and it don't make since to me. I hate not knowing what something is but I am willing to find out what it is. I have never done this type of work before where everything in class is done on the computer. I'm hoping that I will get the hang of this. Back on the topic about my research. After we found our disease we had to answer some questions. For my research found that mine talks about who can have it and at what age they can have it. It also talked about the study of some medicine that I never heard of. They have numbers and letters that I don't know what they mean its so weird, But if i want to fulfill my goal in the medical field I have to start learning what everything is and what they are talking about. 
