Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DNA Sequencing

This is a Graph of the DNA Sequencing.

For Abby she had 1 base change. It was GAG -> GTG. She was a 97% Similarity to others. Which = Point Mutation. Protein = GLU-> VAL Disease?

BOB  THE->STOP= Truncation Mutation

Carol ACC  CTG  AGG = Frame Shift Mutation

1) Each of the other three people does not match the normal control. I say this because something happened in the DNA
2) NO All the protein matches the normal control. I say this because of the change in the DNA of the person
3) For each person I would expect a normal state just because of the protein matches. There is only really one that does not match. Sometimes one can make difference and sometimes it don't.

Friday, March 4, 2011

DNA Extraction Lab

We recently did a DNA Extraction Lab where we actually made DNA. At first it was crazy on how we made it. First the materials that we needed was wheat, water and alcohol. So first we put a couple of pinches of wheat into a test tube. Then we added hot water. As we added hot water we had to stir it constantly for 5 mins. After we did that we had to add the alcohol. We had to had 14ml of alcohol into the test tube. Then slowly we had to tilt the test tube and add the alcohol slowly into the test tube so the water and alcohol were on there own layer.
After we had to wait about 15 min. While the tube was sitting we can start seeing the DNA start rising up into the alcohol area. We notice somethings about the DNA. It was white and slimy. As for the bottom it was a mucus look like.
Some of the things that I thought were happening was that the alcohol was absorbing the DNA while the wheat and water was separating the cells so that the DNA would show up in the alcohol level.
I couldn't believe that that was what DNA looked like. It was so small. It really didn't look like what we seen in pictures how it looks like a latter but all twisted up. I still can't believe we have that in us just to see what we are made of. Know we know for sure that DNA is in fact really in us.

This is what all the scientist said what DNA looks like, but looking at it the way we made it when we did the lab looks nothing like this.

Live birth

For the past two days we watch a video about the life's Greatest Miracle. That was an interesting movie about how a baby is being made and how it starts developing. First it starts out the a women's egg and a mans sperm. Once the sperm as inserted into the women's body the sperm finds the egg and it has to find its way into the egg. Then once the sperm has found its way into the egg it starts to form.

This is a long process to develope a baby. It takes nine months for this to happen. After a couple of weeks the baby starts to form its shape. The the process there are three layers of cells that help develope different parts of the baby. One of them are from the brain and spinal cord and skin another one is for the blood and veins and the last one is for the bone and the structure of the body.

Its weird how a baby takes 9 months to form and a dog only takes weeks to maybe a few months. Sometimes it takes a while for a baby o develop. It looks like the mother who is carrying the baby needs a lot of rest and help. Carrying a 7 lb baby in her stomach till its born is a lot of hard work form one person. Plus with the mood swings that the father had to deal with. Also including the food cravings and the morning sickness that come with it. Thats crazy.

This is what it looks like when a baby is inside the womb. The baby flip upside down means that the baby is getting ready to be born.