Monday, November 15, 2010


            We been looking throw a microscope for a while now and we looked at some pretty gross things. Like the onion layer. It looked weird. Then we looked at our own piece of skin or cells in our mouths. That didn't look to good. We evened looked at my nail. It looked dark and ugly. I didn't even think that my nail would look like that since it don't look like that just when you look at it. Then we also looked at some living cells in dirty water. They moved all over the place. As you look closely at them they look just like the movie we watch about them. There green with a red dot for an eye. They moved so quickly. We lost a few so we had to find them again.
          What we also focused on was getting the microscope to really focus on what we were looking at. Certain levels mean how close you view an object. Some levels don't really work that well when your trying to really look closely at it. Sometimes if you get to close you can get crap on the lenses and thats not good to do.
          Also I  learned the proper way to put the microscope away. I didn't at first. I didn't even know there was a proper way, but know I do. The smaller lens facing out. I don't really member why, but thats all i remember is the proper way to put them away.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Playing with cereal

Playing with cereal was fun. A bunch of us grabbed some cereal in a cup and some string. What we had to do was put the string through each fruit loop and continue till its a long string of fruit loops.Us three combined ours together to make protein. Each color represents a different types of amino acids. Although there was 20 different amino acids in a protein molecule we only used the colors that they had which were about 5 or 6. Me and my partners Desi and Brianna Combined our Cereal string and made a collagen protein.  In this activity the proteins are never the same no matter the shape, color. form, or structure.